Nuansys is a healthcare improvement company.
We exist to drive fundamental transformations in safety, quality, and consumer experiences. We provide support to the health and human services via consultancy, capability innovation, and by building next-generation digital products and solutions.
We are a focused team of globally-recognised experts who bring real-world, field-tested skills and a vast amount of collective experience in leading-edge healthcare improvement approaches.
Whatever your trajectory, we can help you drive transformative innovation and outcomes - from strategy to execution, from problem exploration to solution design and operational change.
Book a no-obligation 15-minute chat to explore what we do and how we can help you.
Despite three decades of concerted effort, 1 in 10 patients are still harmed, while 30% of healthcare is considered 'low-value'.^
If we are serious about new answers in safety and quality, we must first learn to ask new questions
^Braithwaite, Glasziou, Westbrook 2020
The case for innovation
Healthcare's preoccupation with statistical, process-driven and behavioural (incentive and punitive) strategies has failed to move the needle on safety or quality. Why? Because clinicians aren't 20th century factory workers, patients aren't motor cars and hospitals aren't assembly lines. Fundamentally, healthcare is a human sector - enmeshed within layers of social, technical and structural complexity. Performance, safety and risk are connected in such dynamic ways that simple improvement methods and conventional compliance measures have little chance of success.
So can healthcare ever improve?
Yes we can and we must. But the answer lies in transformation and not just persistence. We need to move towards a human-centred, 'systems' paradigm - one that embraces thinking and strategies that catalyse innovation, empower the frontline (through skills, systems, technologies and useful data), enhance networks and build adaptive capacity into every layer of the system.
High-reliability in healthcare doesn't flow out of tighter rules, more dashboards or catchier slogans. It emerges from high-performing teams that are dialled-in to the needs of their patients and prepared for the many surprises that hide behind every corner. Getting there is all about unpacking the complexities of everyday work and supporting your workforce to respond with expertise, flexibility and creativity to the challenges ahead. Without fuss, with confidence, day-after-day.
One thing is certain, the road ahead will be vastly different to the path that brought us here. Trust our team to guide your journey to excellence.